Help! I need a reference for a job! Who should I contact?

Help! I need a reference for a job! Who should I contact?

First of all, that's great news! We hope that you've already completed all of your non-core team tasks in the internship to make yourself employable.

The MVP Team encourages you to focus on your internship tasks first as if you apply for roles and haven't completed your tasks, they'll have no data to give during a reference check - they would have to inform the potential employer that you hadn't completed any tasks during your time with us and any other details (no meeting attendance and so on, if you didn't attend any meetings). This could look quite bad to your potential employer so please focus on completing tasks first so the team has some information to use during the reference checks.

If you have completed your tasks and have achieved at least IC level 3, feel free to make contact with the following MVP Studio team members about reference checks. Remember to approach them with respect! Introduce yourself, which intake and role, where you are in the internship, and that you require a reference. The team will likely ask for your CV/resume and the job description, that'll help them during the reference check process. The team may also arrange a meeting with you to discuss your reference so they can be more accurate when giving the reference.

You will want to make contact with your regional lead as your primary reference and they'll also be able to assist you with tips and advice. Later once you've secured a role, they'll do the offboarding process with you to discuss what happens with the internship and how you can get support in the future. Please see the table below to find your regional lead:

Mercia Pretorius
Asia (Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong)
Lincoln Hu
New Zealand
Karla Montgomery

* when you require more than one reference, the regional lead will be able to recommend a second or even third reference as needed.

You'll want to make contact with them via Slack or by email, which you can find in Slack.

The team wishes you all the best with your job hunting.
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